40 politely-worded templates to get invoices paid

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Topic: Credit control & accounts receivables (13)

5 ways to avoid writing off your bad debt

5 ways to avoid writing off your bad debt

According to the latest figures, SMEs in the UK are owed more than £61 billion in unpaid invoices as of March...

Polite reminders for overdue invoices: 6 email templates | Blog

Polite reminders for overdue invoices: 6 email templates | Blog

The invoice is the final step in a well-executed business transaction. It's at this point that both parties...

Why should I use an automated invoice reminder?

Why should I use an automated invoice reminder?

If you’re reading this then you’ve no doubt found yourself in a situation where you’re either constantly...

How to get QuickBooks invoices paid faster: 8 tips for faster payments

How to get QuickBooks invoices paid faster: 8 tips for faster payments

Invoices don't always get paid as quickly as we'd like. Whether you're a small or medium-sized business,...

How FHC helped their client Docuflow get paid 54 days faster

How FHC helped their client Docuflow get paid 54 days faster

FHC is a cloud accounting and business advisory firm that supports a broad range of clients across sectors...

What is a B2B credit management system? | Chaser

What is a B2B credit management system? | Chaser

If your clients are falling behind on their payments, you'll find yourself in the awkward balancing act of...

How TaxAssist got £20k of client debt paid in 30-minutes with Chaser

How TaxAssist got £20k of client debt paid in 30-minutes with Chaser

TaxAssist Accountants work with a wide range of clients for whom they offer both personal and professional...

How to improve your credit control process

How to improve your credit control process

One of the best ways to manage credit risk is through credit control. This process involves monitoring credit...

How Glaze Digital focus on agency growth by outsourcing credit control

How Glaze Digital focus on agency growth by outsourcing credit control

When Glaze Digital was first founded in 2014, it mainly catered to Northern Irish clients and worked to make...

Tips to persuade people to pay their bills

Tips to persuade people to pay their bills

Should I use a carrot or a stick?Anyone who’s ever been involved in debt collection knows the complexities...

How to resolve the late payment problem in creative industries

How to resolve the late payment problem in creative industries

The creative sector in the UK is under threat. As if the coronavirus pandemic with lockdowns and social...

Prevention is better than cure: Bad debt post COVID

Prevention is better than cure: Bad debt post COVID

The last two years have been tough on everyone’s pockets. Businesses and individuals alike are seeing the...


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