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How TaxAssist got £20k of client debt paid in 30-minutes with Chaser

How TaxAssist got £20k of client debt paid in 30-minutes with Chaser

TaxAssist Accountants work with a wide range of clients for whom they offer both personal and professional accounting services including core accounting services, bookkeeping, tax planning, business finance, compliance, financial planning, and debt recovery. Mobilize their expertise, TaxAssist Accountants help their clients streamline their accounting functions with the help of a team of specialized accountants and tax experts.

Through the Chaser Partner Programme, TaxAssist Norwich use Chaser both internally to chase their clients, and introduce Chaser to their clients as part of their service offering.


TaxAssist Norwich take pride in providing great customer service to their clients, so it was essential any debt chasing tool would allow them to chase client payments in a polite and friendly way. Additionally, TaxAssist Norwich had a number of clients with inefficient or non-existent credit control processes, who had a build up of bad debts.

Initially, TaxAssist implemented Chaser's accounts receivables software internally to overcome their own business process blockers - saving hours of time each day previously spent sending out invoices manually and chasing late payments.

By switching to an automated system, they were able to eliminate the awkward chasing and phone calls that they needed to repeatedly make to their customers to chase payments.

Partnering with Chaser allowed TaxAssist Norwich to save the equivalent of 3-weeks in staff hours that would usually be spent manually chasing late payments. This newly available time could then be put towards growing the business and providing their customers with the excellent customer service and assistance that has become TaxAssist's hallmark instead.

This allows TaxAssist Norwich to focus on growing their business, while also helping them to recover the debts that they were owed without negatively impacting their relationships with clients.

See the full story on the credit control problems faced by TaxAssist Norwich and how they implemented Chaser to help solve them.

TaxAssist's clients

After seeing Chaser's success internally, TaxAssist Norwich, decided to bring those same benefits to their customers by introducing Chaser's accounts receivables software to their clients.

Their clients who adopted Chaser saw equally incredible results. Chaser's advanced credit control and accounts receivable software helped TaxAssist’s clients recover more than £20,000 of unpaid debts in just 30 minutes, automatically - without any awkward phone calls or manual chasing processes.

Not only did TaxAssist's clients benefit from implementing Chaser, but, through Chaser's Partner Programme, TaxAssist Norwich was actively rewarded for introducing Chaser to their clients.

To see the full story, download the TaxAssist Norwich and Chaser case study here. 

Ready to optimise your and your clients' receivables processes and get invoices paid faster? Learn more about the Chaser Partner Programme here.

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