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Good-bye 2021... Here's to 2022!

Good-bye 2021... Here's to 2022!

Dear Chaser Family

As we close out the end of the year, I wanted to take a moment and reflect on what has been accomplished.

It's been a long 2021, but boy did it go fast! It’s hard to believe we’re already here. 

We've had our ups and downs, but I’m proud to say that Chaser has seen more ups than downs this year.

It's been a whirlwind year for Chaser. We've brought on new employees, we're doing more events and outreach than ever before, and we're continually growing as an organization.

As we reach the end of 2022, it’s important to reflect on what has been achieved this year, our successes in the face of adversity, and I want to take a moment to thank all of you for your contributions.

My first full year as CEO

This will be my first full year as CEO for Chaser, and it is with great pleasure that I say Chaser would not be where it is today without each of you and your support for me.

During my first year, we've brought on, or internally promoted, some amazing team members, created some new shared company values that bind us all together, set company-wide targets that keep us moving forward, and successfully built on the full rebrand we did in 2020. Rebranding and launching new products has helped to solidify Chaser's place as the leading company in its field. We are continuing to grow and expand our reach every day, and I know that with your help we will succeed in 2022.

The hard work that everyone has put in has resulted in a 100% growth in revenue during one of the most economically turbulent times in recent history.

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Each and every staff member has given their all in some of the most trying times in recent history to keep Chaser going. Thank you for your dedication and hard work, it has not gone unnoticed or unappreciated.

This year has been exceptionally hard for factors outside of Chaser, and I appreciate how difficult it has been for everyone to devote themselves to growing the company in spite of the continued stress, pressure, and loss imposed by the pandemic.

We have all been through a lot, but I am incredibly proud of what we as a team have accomplished and your resilience through all of it.

I am so grateful to have worked with you all over the last year, and I hope that continuing our work together next year will be just as rewarding for everyone involved.

As a first-time CEO, I have learned so much this year, including that there is no cookie-cutter approach, or 'right way' to take on the top role in a company and that the most important thing is to stay true to yourself and your values.

I've also learned never to compromise on talent, which has been easy to achieve because of how talented everyone working here at Chaser is.

While any role benefits from an ongoing learning process, I know I have benefitted from my own growth as CEO and I will continue to do so in the years ahead.

A huge thank you to the team

I would like to thank all of our team members for their hard work over the last year - it has been a privilege working with you all, and I look forward to continuing our journey together in 2022.

Looking back on my first year as CEO of Chaser, I feel incredibly fortunate to have worked with you all over the last year, and I hope that continuing our work together next year will be just as rewarding.

Reflecting on what we as a team have accomplished in 2020, it is clear that we are continuing to grow and expand at an impressive rate. The rebranding and launch of new products have helped solidify Chaser’s place as the leading company in its field. With your help, we will continue this trajectory into 2022 and beyond.

I am grateful for all the progress we have made so far this year, and I am excited to meet the challenges that lie ahead.

A thank you to the board

I would also like to thank the board for their confidence in me as CEO, and I look forward to continuing my work with them in 2022.

I'm excited to see what the next year brings and I know that next year will be just as rewarding for everyone involved. Thank you all again for your support this past year, it means the world to me

A thank you to Chaser users

Lastly, I want to thank Chaser users and Chaser partners for their support this year. We would not be where we are without them!

Looking forward to the future

As we approach the end of 2021, the future's looking brighter than ever for Chaser, and with the continued support of our amazing team and board, I am looking forward to 2022 with confidence.

The new year will see some exciting new projects that I know everyone in the company can’t wait to get their hands on, and I am excited to see where the next year takes us.

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Over the past year, we've launched a huge amount of important new tools and services, such as our new payment plan system, outsourced credit control, integrated Payment Portals, a new website and blog, and a new product UI.

We’ve also seen some impressive growth, with our revenues expanding by over 100%, with our annual recurring revenue reaching a new high.

These new additions have helped us to continue building on the strong business foundation we’ve established since our launch, and I feel that it is important for me to thank every single person who has played a part in this.

Without your efforts, we would not have been able to achieve the great things that we have so far, and I’m excited to see how we will do in the future.

You’ve worked hard, and I can say with absolute pride that you should be extremely proud of what you achieved in 2021.

I would like to think that our employee share scheme went some small way to show how much we value your efforts and I would like to personally thank those of you who have been with us from the beginning for your incredible loyalty.

Our vision is a world where every single person can reach their full potential because we believe there are no limits on what any individual can achieve; this unquestionably applies equally to our staff as it does to our customers.

Still a Chaser family, despite the distance

On a more sombre note, I know many of us are facing travel restrictions and potential disruption over the holiday period because of the pandemic. I want to assure you all that we are doing everything we can to support you and your families during this difficult time.

Being potentially unable to spend Christmas with loved ones is another blow in a year that has seen us face significant challenges. However, I am confident that we can get through this and come out stronger on the other side.

While we might not have seen each other for more than a year now because of socially distanced working, it's important to remember that we're still a family. I am looking forward to catching up with everyone in the new year, (Covid guidelines permitting) and spending some quality time together.

We have seen a remarkable outpouring of support from Chaser users and Chaser partners over the past few months as we all work together to fight this pandemic. I want to thank you all for your solidarity and resilience as we continue to do everything in our power to protect the health of everyone around us.

I remain incredibly optimistic about Chaser's future, and I know that all of you share my passion for making a difference in the world. Let's continue working hard in pursuit of our mission so that we can make 2022 an even better year than 2021.

We’ve still got plenty left that we want to do over the next few years, but for now, I think it's time to take stock and enjoy some well-deserved rest! Please join me one last time before 2022 in congratulating everyone involved at Chaser - without each and every one of you none of this would be possible.

Have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!



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