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Chaser CEO shortlisted for Business Leader of the Year 2022

Chaser CEO shortlisted for Business Leader of the Year 2022

I am delighted to share the news that Chaser's Chief Executive Officer, Sonia Dorais has been shortlisted for Business Leader of the Year at the Women in Credit Awards 2022.

The Women in Credit Awards champion the work of outstanding women across the entire credit and financial services industry. They strive to empower, connect, support, and uncover achievements among inspirational women in the credit management industry.

Being shortlisted for this award is a true testament to Sonia's outstanding leadership at Chaser since becoming CEO in January 2021, and the results and growth she has helped Chaser to achieve.

Business Leader of the Year

Sonia Dorais is CEO at Chaser, the business helping businesses around the world put an end to late payments.

Before her role at Chaser, Sonia led the growth of numerous fintechs in Canada and the UK that specialized in the digitization of finance and accounting tasks. Sonia has over 15 years of experience in fintech businesses and is driven by a passion for helping people and businesses reach their full potential.

Previous positions include CMO at cap table and ESOP software Capdesk and CMO for spend-management platform Compleat Software.

Sonia has been recognized for her accomplishments by being awarded Director of the Year at the (Europe Fintech Awards, 2022), being listed in The Top 25 Women Leaders in Financial Technology of Europe 2022 (The Financial Technology Report) and was shortlisted as CEO of the Year (Management Inspiring Women in Business Awards, 2021).

Sonia led the business to consistent growth, championed a complete shift in Chaser's company culture, led the restructuring of the company, and launched several new innovative solutions. 

Sonia’s passion for helping SMBs has been the inspiration behind the company's restructure, new business direction and vision, and consequently its growth.

Sonia embodies Chaser’s vision to create a world where all businesses have the confidence that they will get paid for their work, and under her leadership, Chaser has helped businesses worldwide to chase and recover over $10billion in late payments.

Through Sonia’s vision and leadership, thousands of businesses around the world have been able to reduce late payments and focus on their business growth.

Payment portal

The Payment Portal, a key product development under Sonia's leadership launched in January and with 132 regular-users so far, has already sped-up £2million+ in payments.

Additionally, giving end-users varied options within the Payment Portal (transfer, card payment, request payment-plan, dispute) has sped-up payments for users like WrenAccountancy:

“We’re already so pleased, we’ve reduced debtors from £100k+ to approx. £40k” - Ravi, Director, Wren Accountancy

Chaser's new service lines

Sonia also supported the launch of Chaser's first service lines, debt-collections, and outsourced credit control. These integrate with Chaser’s software and champion a friendly-approach to protect customer relationships.

With hundreds of users already, they have helped businesses recover £500,000+ in debts that would have otherwise been written off.

Huttie Group,  users of the Chaser collections service recovered £15,600 just six-months into starting the service. Tom, their FD says:

“Of all invoices put through, 90%+ received a response, and 80%+ are already paid”

Women in Credit Awards 2022

I am proud to see Sonia's achievements recognised by being shortlisted for this award. As a female leader in the fintech sector, Sonia represents a minority and is providing inspiration for other women looking to enter and lead in the fitnech sector. The team look forward to celebrating with fellow finalists at the ceremony on 21 September in London. View all finalists and see event details.


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