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Inga Schibsted

Articles by Inga Schibsted

Bad debt expense formula | Definition & Calculation

Bad debt expense formula | Definition & Calculation

Did you know that the average amount of bad debt amongst UK SMEs has risen by a staggering 61% in the last...

Free cash flow formula | Definition and calculation | Chaser

Free cash flow formula | Definition and calculation | Chaser

Free cash flow, often abbreviated to FCF, measures the amount of cash a company generates in any given period.

Managing late payments in the property industry

Managing late payments in the property industry

In the last month alone, an estimated 700,000 UK households missed or defaulted on a rent or mortgage payment.

What is discounted cash flow? Formula & Calculation | Chaser

What is discounted cash flow? Formula & Calculation | Chaser

Discounted cash flow (DCF) is a valuation method used to estimate a company's or investment's intrinsic value...

How to calculate Net Realizable Value (NRV) | Chaser

How to calculate Net Realizable Value (NRV) | Chaser

When it comes to business longevity, consistent cash flow, effective inventory management, and proper...

Accountex 2023 | Highlights, photos, debtor daze and more

Accountex 2023 | Highlights, photos, debtor daze and more

Accountex London 2023, the leading event for finance professionals, accountants, and bookkeepers, took place...

5 reasons to visit Chaser at Accountex London 2023

5 reasons to visit Chaser at Accountex London 2023

Are you planning on attending Accountex London 2023? If so, make sure you don't miss out on visiting Chaser's...

How accountancies can save 13 hours a month by automating their credit control

How accountancies can save 13 hours a month by automating their credit control

It's no secret that accountants are some of the busiest people on the planet. They're responsible for...

6 reasons to outsource your credit control

6 reasons to outsource your credit control

Credit control is vital in keeping businesses of any scale financially healthy. But with a backlog of...

Why accurate bank reconciliation is crucial in your credit control process | Chaser

Why accurate bank reconciliation is crucial in your credit control process | Chaser

Bank reconciliation is a critical process that helps ensure the accuracy of financial records by matching...

Difference between Payment Processors and Payment Facilitator

Difference between Payment Processors and Payment Facilitator

Technology is everywhere, and it has changed how we socialise, network, and, most recently, conduct business....

What are credit sales? | Benefits and risks | Chaser

What are credit sales? | Benefits and risks | Chaser

Offering credit sales to customers is a common practice among many enterprises. Credit sales are a type of...


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